
15 minutes  |  INVESTMENT: $42-$62

You have: dry, dull, textured, flakey skin or An abundance of vellus (peach fuzz) Facial hair

your result: smooth, even,glowy, hairless, soft skin.

FIRM, Plump, Repair Eye & Lip treatment

10 minutes  |  INVESTMENT: $35

You Have: wrinkles, crows feet, dark circles, and the under eyes looks Tired & thirsty.

flakey, textured, dry, parched lips with signs of aging.

The result: Brighter, firmer, nourished, hydrated undereyes & smooth, plump, quenched lips.


10 minutes  |  INVESTMENT: $20

You have: Tired eyes, crows feet, dark circles, dryness, loss of volume, & wrinkles.

Your result: ultra-nourished, brightened, lifted, smoothed, hydrated 360 eye & brow area.

Plump & Repair Lip Treatment

10 minutes  |  INVESTMENT: $20

You have: dry, textured, parched, flakey, chapped, dehydrated lips with signs of aging.

Your result: Plump, juicy, smooth, moisturized lips nourished with an anti-aging treatment.



What is dermaplaning? Who is it right for?

Dermaplaning is a gentle treatment that involves gently scraping the face with a medical grade, sterile, single-use blade to remove dead skin cells & peach fuzz.

It’s great for everyone, but those struggling with active, open acne.

Do you recommend at home dermaplaning?

No. The at-home blades are not nearly as sharp and can cause nicks, cuts, the spread of bacteria & irritation.

What services can the enhancements be added too?

Any facial service.

What is the best treatment for targeting eye concerns?

Lift & Repair eye treatment. I recommend adding this to each visit if you are wanting to treat the eye area & gain cumulative results.

Why should I get a lip/eye treatment?

Lips & eyes are usually an after thought. They endure tons of movement & wear. These treatments specifically address & treat their unique concerns to drive long-term results.